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  gibfrog 15. Aug. 2010, 16:34

this is a modern Slavey fake. Compare to Modern Forgeries of Greek & Roman Coins, 1997, Prokopov, page 16, plate 32
  gibfrog 15. Aug. 2010, 16:33

This is a doctored modern Slavey. See Modern Forgeries of Greek & Roman Coins, Prokopov 1997 Obv plate 35, Rev Plate 33.
  Lech_Stepniewski 5. Aug. 2010, 18:46

This is not RIC VII SISCIA 244 var. but RIC VIII SISCIA 4.

Not Constantine I but Constantine II.
  helcaraxe 10. June 2010, 19:45

I think the attribution of this coin is debatable. I doubt whether it is truly a different obverse inscription with a missing I of COS III.

I rather think it is the lower front end of the bust which has merged with the last I.
  Euthydemos 7. June 2010, 09:26

Bei der Heliokles Tetradrachme aus CNG E-Sale 133, Lot 122, handelt es sich um eine sog. Utmanzai-Fälschung ("Utmanzai Coins" by Shortt in Numismatic Chronicle 1963, Seite 11-36), die von CNG bereits in der Mail Bid Sale 54, Lot 1013, in 06/2000 für $ 1.410.oo verkauft wurde und dann zurückgegeben worden war.
Sie wurde dann fünf Jahre später erneut in den Verkauf gegeben (E-Sale 133)(ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt) - und - von mir als Ersteigerer - erneut zurückgegeben.
  Lech_Stepniewski 30. May 2010, 15:28

The attribution "RIC 79 (Büstenvariante)" is wrong. In fact, it is RIC VII AQUILEIA 111.
  Lech_Stepniewski 29. May 2010, 12:33

The coin is indeed unlisted in RIC, but was minted at Rome, not at Arles! There is "PR" in exergue and the style is apparently Roman.

Should be listed in RIC VI after ROMA 286.
  cepasaccus 28. May 2010, 19:53

Probably fake.

- withdrawn
- same dies as unsold/withdrawn coins
  cepasaccus 28. May 2010, 19:53

Probably fake.

- withdrawn
- same dies as unsold/withdrawn coins
  cepasaccus 28. May 2010, 19:51
  Pscipio 28. May 2010, 09:50

This is a modern plated fake. The same dies have also been used to strike fakes on solid silver.

Lars Rutten
  Lech_Stepniewski 25. May 2010, 12:40

"RIC:-" suggests that the coin is unlisted in RIC. In fact, it is RIC VI SISCIA 137b.

This mistake is frequently the result of overlooking that the legend marks on page 468 are superseded by new ones on page 469.