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Company Auction Date Lots
Münzhandlung Basel Vente publique N° 10 (please log in) 15. Mar. 1938 896
Münzhandlung Basel Vente publique N° 8 (please log in) 22. Mar. 1937 1'148
Adolph Hess Katalog 233 (please log in) 24. Nov. 1936 43
Münzhandlung Basel Vente publique N° 7 (please log in) 29. Oct. 1936 289
Adolph Hess Katalog 232 (please log in) 28. May 1936 150
Münzhandlung Basel Vente publique N° 6 (please log in) 18. Mar. 1936 956
Münzhandlung Basel Vente publique N° 5 (please log in) 18. Dec. 1935 216
Adolph Hess Sammlung Franz Trau - Kärntner Münzen (please log in) 18. June 1935 128
Adolph Hess Sammlung Franz Trau - Münzen der römischen Kaiser (please log in) 22. May 1935 1'808
Münzhandlung Basel Vente publique N° 3 (please log in) 4. Mar. 1935 1'001
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 86 (please log in) 26. Feb. 1935 207
Münzhandlung Basel Auktionskatalog 2 (please log in) 8. Oct. 1934 195
Ars Classica Catalogue 17 (please log in) 3. Oct. 1934 1'914
Münzhandlung Basel Auktionskatalog 1 (please log in) 28. June 1934 979
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 85 (please log in) 30. Nov. 1933 130
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 84 (please log in) 29. Nov. 1933 478
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 83 (please log in) 17. July 1933 1'157
Ars Classica Catalogue 16 (please log in) 3. July 1933 1'964
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 82 (please log in) 28. June 1933 217
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 81 (please log in) 5. Apr. 1933 471
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 80 (please log in) 27. Feb. 1933 901
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 79 (please log in) 14. Dec. 1932 618
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 78 (please log in) 15. Sept. 1932 495
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 77 (please log in) 14. July 1932 203
Adolph E. Cahn Katalog 76 (please log in) 2. June 1932 190